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Participate on a MAHC Committee

Committees and subcommittees convene periodically to bring Coalition members together to discuss relevant housing development and property management topics, plan networking and educational events, recruit new members, work through local housing issues, and work with CDA and the state legislature on affordable housing issues. Members are encouraged to inquire about participation in MAHC's committees and subcommittees through the Executive Director.

Design and Construction Committee

The Design and Construction Committee will identify issues and make recommendation relative to the proposed or existing QAP that related to design, construction standards and materials, desired energy efficiency techniques and materials, and reporting requirements. The committee will work to advise and coordinate with CDA on the implementation of the design and construction issues raised by the committee. Committee membership will be open to MAHC members from the design, construction, and civil engineering community, and will also invite our developer members to be represented via their design or construction managers. The committee will make recommendations to the board, or seek permission from the MAHC Board of Directors to advocate on behalf of any issues identified and vetted.

Development Committee

The Development Committee is responsible for identifying development/finance issues and coordinating communication and recommendations to DHCD. The committee meets regularly with DHCD to provide feedback on new policies and procedures, discuss program status, future plans and other action that may affect the affordable housing development community. Subcommittees are formed when necessary to address specific tasks such as drafting recommendations to DHCD on current issues. There are currently two Subcommittees: Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and the QAP. All recommendations are based on consensus among the committee and/or the MAHC board.

Access Committee Forum

Finance and Administration Committee

The Finance and Administration Committee will advise the Board and the Treasurer on financial matters, including the budget, financial statements, investment practices and administrative matters and procedures. The committee will oversee administrative functions and practices, including recommending to the Board matters related to the Executive Director and any other staff or consultants as to the hiring, performance evaluation, reporting standards and compensation. The committee will be chaired by the Treasurer and would also have at least two other Board members, one of which would be the President or his/her designee. It would include one or more non-Board members with particular expertise in financial and administrative matters and members will be selected by the Treasurer in consultation with the President. This select committee will generally not be open to the full membership.

Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee is responsible for developing the MAHC legislative proposals, tracking the legislative proposals made by others, and leading the public policy and advocacy work of MAHC, including organizing Housing Day and working to secure passage of the MAHC supported legislative and budget proposals. If any legislative consultants are employed by MAHC, the Chair will have the primary responsibility for managing the work of the consultants. Although the Legislative Committee's prime focus is State legislation, the committee will include a subcommittee to work on ensuring that the interest of MAHC is positively affected by legislative action at the federal level.

Membership and Events Committee

The primary responsibility of the Membership and Events Committee is to maintain existing membership and to grow the membership, as well as the Annual Sponsors, with membership and revenue goals set each year in conjunction with the Board. In addition, the M & E Committee coordinates all events of the Coalition, and works with other Board members and committees in the planning and execution of events.

Property Management and Resident Services Committee

The Property Management and Resident Services Committee will review the existing or proposed new QAP for policies relative to property management and resident services and make recommendations; review DHCD procedures and processes, such as reporting and monitoring requirements and make recommendations on changes to make DHCD's process more efficient or workable. The committee will also provide a forum for peer to peer exchange of information, resources and ideas; arrange for and provide property management and resident service related educational sessions relevant to the membership at large; provide a forum to learn about new products and services available to and through the industry. There will be a Resident Services Subcommittee which will meet sometimes separately and sometimes in conjunction with the committee as a whole.

Public Housing and Local Government Committee

The Public Housing and Local Government Committee will attract and grow the membership of housing authority and governmental officials involved with affordable rental housing. It would facilitate stronger connections between MAHRA and the staff of public housing agencies who are increasingly using the CDA rental housing programs. The committee will formulate policies relative to DHCD policies and procedures that can assist local governments and public housing authorities participate in DHCD programs which have the support of the MAHC Board. The committee will consider issues relating to the economic and social vitality of public housing and related entities. Housing issues considered by the committee will include the success, accessibility and affordability of public housing; federal, state, and local assistance in the preservation, operation/maintenance and development of public housing; and issues related to the housing authority model for delivering affordable housing.

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1212 York Road, Suite C 300
Lutherville, MD 21093

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